Dr. Fenster Speaks at the Boys & Girls Club
Dr. Fenster spent some time last Saturday at the Max M. Fisher Boys & Girls Club in Riviera Beach, FL, speaking with community members about nutrition, fitness, and general health topics. He answered questions and handed out Palm Beach Heartstrong pedometers – which were so popular, many people came back for more to share with their friends and families! It was a wonderful morning, with kids playing basketball and many community agencies sharing the floor with each other, all with the goal of providing the greater Palm Beach Gardens community with access to multiple forms of healthcare programming.
What Dr. Fenster enjoyed most was meeting new people, learning what their interests were, and getting to teach them a lot of what he teaches his patients every day: Taking care of yourself will mean fewer doctors, fewer medications, and more healthy, happy moments in a longer, more productive lifetime. The surprise that so many people express when they learn how easy it can be to live with better choices is always so rewarding. Eating 5-7 fruits and vegetables a day, exercising moderately for a half hour at least 3 days per week, and reducing sugary drinks and fatty foods is a great, low-stress way to start! Recognizing that no one can change everything overnight, and understanding that food and exercise can and should be fun, Dr. Fenster promotes overall good choices with a focus on moderation in everything.
Dr. Fenster and the Cardiac Institute of the Pam Beaches loved sharing the day with the Boys & Girls Club and wants to thank them for including them in their health fair. In March, Dr. Fenster hopes to bring his Palm Beach Heartstrong program to the youngest kids at “The Max” by bringing them weekly lessons in nutrition and fitness. By teaching the very youngest members of the community how to grow up healthy, Dr. Fenster hopes they can teach their families and continue great habits into adulthood.